Book Keeping
We’ll take care of managing your finances so you don’t have to stress about it. We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments, and specialize in Management Accounting so you won’t waste time and energy trying to make sense of all the accounting complexities.
Our book-keeping/accounting service includes:
- Preparation of Profit and Loss Statement
- Statement of Financial Position
- Preparation of General Ledger
- Supporting Schedules, Debtor and Creditor Listing
- Perform bank and other account reconciliation
When would it be a good time to prepare my accounts?
- A general rule of thumb would be if your monthly sales invoices can fill up a hardcover folder, you might want to opt for monthly accounting.
* However to be safe, let our experts head over to your office for a look.
Financial Statement
Financial Statement
Our team of experts specializing in Financial Accounting Standards will assess your situation and determine the best course of action. We prepare quality Financial Statements to help ensure that our clients’ financial reporting meet the regulatory and business requirements as well as to lend credibility to the company’s financial position.
The financial statement would include:
- Directors’ report
- Directors’ statements
- Profit/loss statement
- Balance sheet statement
- Change in shareholders’ equity
- Notes to financial statements
Do I need to prepare my company's financial statements if I do not need to be audited?
- Yes you do according to section 201(2) and 201(5) of The Singapore Company Act, Chapter 50.
* To be on the safe side, contact us to check whether your company needs to be audited or not.
Tax Planning
Tax Planning
Whitesleeves provides Tax Planning and Tax Services, where we will advise and update you on the individual and corporate tax matters so that your tax obligation is limited in the legal way.
Our Tax Services would include:
- Identifying tax incentive opportunities to maximize tax benefits
- Assisting with your income tax planning and structuring
- Preparing the tax computation to calculate the tax liability of company or individual.
- Filing the Form C for the company’s tax compliance and Form B or Form P for business.
- Submission of tax returns to IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore).
- Assisting your company to verify the Notice of Assessment upon receipt from IRAS and solving any discrepancy from initial calculation.
- Submission of Estimated Chargeable Income (“ECI”) within 3 months from financial year end.
When would be a good time to submit my tax return?
- If your company's year end falls anytime during a particular year end, you would need to submit your tax during 30 November the following year.
- For example: Your company's year end is 31 March 2015. You would be required to submit your tax during 30 November 2016.
* However to be safe, consult our expert just to be sure
Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary
Whitesleeves provides Corporate Secretarial Services, where we will advise and update your company's statutory requirements so that you can run your business with a peace of mind.
Our Secretarial Services would include:
- Appointment of officer as Company Secretary
- Setting up and maintenance of Minutes File
- Setting up and maintenance of Statutory Registers
- Issue of Share Certificates
- Procurement and Safe-Keeping of one (1) Company Seal
- Preparation of standard resolutions/ documents to open Bank Account
- Advising on AGM dates
- Preparation of notice and minutes of AGM
- Filing of Annual Returns
Is it compulsory for my company to appoint a secretary?
- Yes. Every company must appoint a secretary within 6 months from the date of its incorporation.
GST Filing/ Registration
GST Filing/ Registration
Having trouble keeping up with the GST Filing requirements? Let our experts help you out. We can advise you on your best GST filing cycle, and will perform necessary quarterly GST filing as per statutory requirement. Our GST Filing Service would include:
- GST Compliance
- GST Advice and Planning
- GST Health Check
When do I need to register my company for GST?
- Your taxable turnover exceeded $1 million.
- You can reasonably expect your taxable turnover in the next 12 months to be more than $1 million.
* There are other specific requirements in play as well. Why not call us to check on your company's accounts.
Consolidated Accounts
Consolidated Accounts --
Consolidation of accounts would probably be one part of accounting that requires in dept accounting skills. Without proper accounting records and well kept schedules, the job can get pretty messy. Here at Whitesleeves, rest assured that your company's consolidation will be fuss free and organized for any future use.
Our consolidation of accounts service would include:
- Directors' statement
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
- Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
- Statements of Changes in Equity
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
- Notes to Financial Statements
When do I need to consolidate my accounts?
- According to the Accounting Standard IRFS 10, 'presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity controls one or more other entities.'.
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